I was running the unc0ver and Chimera Jailbreak on my iPhone 7 and on my daily driver – the iPhone X.

Why? Because I’ve optimized the usage of iOS 12 and cleaned up the design with a few tweaks.
For example: the DarkMode (official released later with iOS 13) is the best and coolest thing you can do to an OLED Display! It looks so cool (true black) and it’s very improving the battery life cause the OLED and dark UI. I used “Noctis12” and “Eclipse” combined to the perfect DarkMode because each of the Tweaks isn’t perfectly optimized in some 3rd-party applications.

But thats one of the reasons why I updated both devices to iOS 13 – it’s far more optimized by Apple and perfectly integrated. iOS 13 is great – I won’t miss my Jailbreak setup at all.

I’ve also made the animations a lot faster and improved some other annoying things like the volume HUD. Some additional features and apps like ReProvision are also useful to have. But I use these iPhones a lot – so I’ve installed only the most necessary things. The experience was very smooth and I had great battery life too! The Jailbreak was very stable without crashes – so it isn’t as painful to live with as an iOS 9/10 JB device for example (yeah I remember my iPhone 5 on 9.3.2). Thanks to the semi-untethered system is the iPhone in original (stock iOS) state after reboot until you run the exploit (which enables the JB-stuff) from the Jailbreak (unc0ver/Chimera) app.

I kept using these iPhones for a while with the Jailbreak, until I finally restored them to stock iOS. I could have continued to use the Jailbreak, but then iOS 13 was released (which brought so many great features and fixes with it) – and other things bothered me, for example I couldn’t update my Apple Watch without updating the iPhone.

Here are some screenhots of the setup from these jailbroken iPhones:

The minimalistic UI design on my iPhone 7 in action